Recurrent training for executives and employers – low risk – 6 hours

Recurrent training for executives and employers – low risk – 6 hours

Quota a persona  75,00 + IVA (€ 91,50)

E’ possibile svolgere il corso solo da computer (non da smartphone o tablet)

L’iscrizione al corso può essere fatta in due modi: on line attraverso il modulo sottostante o attraverso compilazione di un modulo cartaceo in formato pdf editabile scaricabile qui ed invio alla email formazione@synergica.net.

Verrà inviata la fattura dopo l’elaborazione del sotto presente modulo d’scrizione.

Modulo di iscrizione

Corso e-learning – Recurrent training for executives and employers – low risk - 6 hours

Dati primo partecipante

Dati secondo partecipante

Dati terzo partecipante

Aimed at

Course duration: 16 hours

Refresher training: 6 hours every 5 years

Time of use

60 days of enrollment

Educational purposes

The training path offered by Aifos aims to convey to the executives the basis of a “culture of safety at work” apart from that of fulfilling the merely formal obligations stated by law.

Course content:

  • Module “Normative- legal”;
  • Module “Management and organization of security and safety”;
  • Module “Risks identification and assessment”;
  • Module “Communication, training and  consultation of the workers”.

Certificate of attendance

Each participant will recive a certificate, after having successfully passed the final test, pursuant to the State-Regions Agreement 07/07/2016.